Chris S. Johnson, Q.C. | Vancouver Criminal Lawyer

Chris S. Johnson, Q.C. 

Chris Johnson, Q.C. was born and grew up in Vancouver. He attended the University of Victoria where he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in 1980 and subsequently his law degree, a Juris Doctor, in 1985. Mr. Johnson has practiced criminal law for over 30 years, since 1987. His successful career has included appearances at all levels of court in British Columbia, representing people charged with everything from shoplifting to drug cases to murder. Mr. Johnson has appeared as Counsel on many notable cases, including most recently lead counsel on the Surrey 6 trial.

In his spare time, Mr. Johnson has contributed significantly to the practice of law. He served as President of the Law Student’s Society while in law school, has sat on numerous committees, including the Main St. Court Users Committee, for the past 20 years, the Community Court Steering Committee, and currently, as a member of the Trial Lawyers’ Association of B.C. he is a Co-Chair of the Legal Aid Action Committee. Mr. Johnson is also the President of the historical East End Bar Association, which originated over 50 years ago to honour some of the greatest members of the criminal bar.

Mr. Johnson was appointed Queen’s Counsel by the Attorney General of British Columbia in 2016.